Only a few top colleges and universities have stable endowment funds that generate money through interest accumulation and stock market growth . 只有少数第一流的学院和综合性大学有稳定的捐赠基金,可以通过利息积累和股票市场提成而产生资金。
Endowment fund to sustain core functions in the longer term 成立发展基金,供长期营运及发展需要
The scheme is financially supported by the college endowment fund 但学生于修业期间因意外遭遇而需
Endowment fund committee college heads 院务委员会及属下委员会
United college endowment fund prizes 联合书院基金学业优异奖
Endowment funds for chinese studies 设立中国研究学术基金
Chair endowment fund 中欧教席捐赠基金
Chair endowment fund , campus naming rights fund & scholarship fund 座椅认捐校友年度基金( alumniannualfund )集体捐赠项目
Setting up an endowment fund that is designated for the support of research centres mentioned above 捐款捐款人士可:设立基金以支持上述的研究中心
Setting up an endowment fund , named or unnamed , that is designated for the support of chinese studies 以冠名或不冠名方式设立基金,资助特定的中国研究项目